Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day Eighty-six - Hartford = Corruption?

In a city with a self-image issue (new branding, anyone?) , a self-esteem issue (if you open a business here, it will make front page of the paper!), and a penchant for the occasional shooting, yet ANOTHER issue has popped up regarding questionable decision making by a city official.

Holy cow.

For those of you new to Hartford or who just appreciate the drama of it all, here's a little history:

Former State Senator William DiBella appointed as MDC chair despite not residing in Hartford, a requirement for the position. (this becomes pertinent)  Information here.  Rumor is that the concern was that the MDC is a regional organization and if Hartford could not put forward a chair, the position would fall to another town.

Former State Senator William DiBella (appointed MDC chair) agreed to pay $800,000 to settle charges regarding a fee he received on a state pension fund deal.  Information here.
Democratic Town Chairperson Sean Arena caught registering his car in another town to avoid paying property tax at 73 mil rate.  Information here.
Mayor Eddie Perez was found guilty on 5 of 6 charges, including bribery and 1st degree larceny. This is under appeal.
Councilperson Veronica Wilson received accelerated rehabilitation while facing a charge of tampering with evidence (AR is not an admission of guilt, but a way of avoiding trial.) 
Information on both  here.
State Representative Hector Robles is fired for allegedly falsifying time cards claiming he was on the job as a police officer, while he was working private jobs. He was re-elected as State Representative.  Information here.
(By the way, this isn't a comprehensive list.  There are a number of issues also dealing with former employees, such as Corporation Counsel John Rose, information here, for instance)

Councilperson Alexander Aponte is reprimanded by the State Grievance Committee for five rules of professional conduct for issues stemming from before he was appointed to replace Mayor Perez.  The grievance complaint is here and a history and backstory can be found here.

Treasurer Adam Cloud sends emails, as Treasurer, to leaders of city banks requesting donations to a specific charity.  Information here.

It all comes home:
CEO of TicketNetwork Donald Vaccaro, (a donor to the Hartford Democratic Town Committee) hired the lobbying firm owned by William DiBella (Chairman of the Board of MDC) and will pay them ~$26,500 this year.  Counsel for DiBella's lobbying firm is, oddly enough, ALSO counsel for State Representative Robles.  Robles, in a fortunate turn of events, has landed himself a job with TicketNetwork.  Why is this strange?

TicketNetwork is a recipient of Governor Malloy's "First Five" economic development program and could receive up to $6.3 million in loans.  Full story here.

It's understood that life is about who you know and what connections you have, but shouldn't it also be about the company you keep?

While there are dozens of demonstrations ongoing throughout the country demanding that our nations banks and corporations be more accountable to the people, why are we ignoring the institution over which we have so much control?  Our elected officials?